
Class 5 Reading Assignment

HTML Media

Usiung images in HTML Common image types Choosing Image Formats

  1. What is a real world use case for the alt attribute being used in a website?
    • incase the img doesnt load. Aswell as for someone using a screen reader.
  2. How can you improve accessibility of images in an HTML document?
    • by utilizing the alt attribute and making sure the text is useful.
  3. Provide an example of when the figure element would be useful in an HTML document.
    • using a figure element links the caption to an image in order for screed readers to know which title goes to which image
  4. Describe the difference between a gif image and an svg image, pretend you are explaining to an elder in your community.
    • a gif image is an image that moves where an svg image is an image that can be made smaller or larger and does not lose any quality.
  5. What image type would you use to display a screenshot on your website and why?
    • Jpeg would be fine to use unless you needed precise reproduction of said image. If that is true then PNG would be prefered.

Learn CSS

Using Color in CSS Styling HTML Text Elemetns

  1. Describe the difference between foreground and background colors of an HTML element, pretend you are talking to someone with no technical knowledge.
    • the ‘color’ property difines the foreground and would color the text for instance. where as the background-color property describes the elements background color
  2. Your friend asks you to give his colorless blog website a touch up. How would you use color to give his blog some character?
    • I would add background color to the text elements, maybe some colored underlining. you could aslo change the color to the text itself.
  3. What should you consider when choosing fonts for an HTML document?
    • you want to make sure that they are legible and that they are a web safe font.
  4. What do font-size, font-weight, and font-style do to HTML text elements?
    • font size changes how large or small the text is.
    • font weight sets how bold the text is.
    • font-style is used to turn italics on or off.
  5. Describe two ways you could add spacing around the characters displayed in an h1 element.
    • using letter-spacing or word-spacing