- What does the
- this allows for 2D graphics using JS
- What is the importance of the closing `</canvas> tag?
everything between the canvas elements is fallback content and will display if the graphics cannot be displayed.
- Explain what the getContext() method does.
- the getcontext method returns a render context object. You need this in order to to be able to draw something on the blank canvas.
- What is Chart.js and how it can be brought into your project?
- Chat JS is open source code that allows you to intergrate charts into your projects. Their is a multi step guide on how to intergrate the charts into your code.
- List 3 different Chart types you can create using Chart.js.
- Bubble Chart
- area Chart
- bar chart
- What are some advantages to displaying data via a chart over a table?
They are easier to look at and display data in a quickly to read format.
- How could Chart.js aid your previously created applications visually?
this could allow me to intergrate charts in to salmon cookies for instance to show how many cookies sol at each location.