
Class 1 Reading Assignment

These are my notes from Module 1

Markdown is a lightweight markup language that is used to format text in a simple and easy-to-read way. It is designed to be easy to write and easy to read, and it can be converted to other formats such as HTML or PDF. Three benefits of using markdown are listed below.

Cheat Sheet

To create a heading, add one to six “#” symbols before your heading text. The number of “#” you use will determine the size of the heading.

Style Syntax Keyboard shortcutExample Output

Bold ** ** or __ __ Ctrl+B (Windows/Linux)“This is bold text” This is bold text

Italic * * or _ _    Ctrl+I (Windows/Linux) “This text is italicized” This text is italicized

Strikethrough ~~ ~~ This was mistaken text This was mistaken text

Bold and nested italic ** ** and _ _ “This text is _extremely important”_ This text is extremely important

All bold and italic * *** **“All this text is important” All this text is important


  1. Basic Syntax
  2. Mastering Mardown on GitHub
  3. GitHub Pages Video

Things To Learn

  1. How Markdown can be used across other platfroms
  2. How far can Markdown be taken, what are it’s limits
  3. How to utilize HTML in addition to Markdown to achieve the results that I want.